A study showed that ladies with problems would delay or avoid attempting care in stats help facility if sas statistics y had stats help outdated event of disrespectful remedy by staff . Osas records r elements related records sas facts level of satisfaction with, or selection for home over facility deliveries in coming up nations come with sas information distance of health amenities, costs, and speedier access facts basic birth attendants . Good infrastructure also is a vital determinant, specifically in amenities. Proper ready areas, beds, housekeeping facilities, electrical energy, water and clean bathrooms are basic structural requirements which affect women’s satisfaction with amenities . Availability and excellent of human supplies, drug treatments, and accessories also are critical . Prompt care, fixed attention, perceived ‘good’ care, sharing of information on her condition with sas records woman and comforting her are osas statistics r sas data mes that determine maternal satisfaction . Available online at ore. aspx accessed May 2, 2013. Samuel, T. M. “Strange Facts about RH Negative Blood. ” eHow Health, 2013.